Hosted by
In Association With

Children’s Grief Awareness Symposium
Please join us for a unique and exciting educational event that will help to build your capacity to support grieving children, youth and families in the communities you serve.
The Canadian Alliance for Children’s Grief (CACG) along with four hosting organizations (Lighthouse for Grieving Children & Families, Lumara Grief and Bereavement Care Society, Seasons Centre for Grieving Children and Canuck Place Children’s Hospice are pleased to introduce you to the Canadian Children’s Grief Symposium – Canada’s third virtual conference designed specifically for those who support grieving children and youth.
Workshops will be delivered by experienced grief practitioners and educators from regions all across Canada. The Symposium will provide learning and networking opportunities for those who work with children and youth in a variety of sectors including health care, education, social services and more. Interactive sessions will cover a wide range of topics including foundational children’s grief concepts, advanced practice ideas, emerging research and innovative program ideas and tools. There will be multiple opportunities for participants to connect and engage with one another and with the presenters. Volunteers and students are especially encouraged to attend.
The Canadia Alliance for Grieving Children and Youth
The Canadian Alliance for Grieving Children and Youth (CAGCY) is the first Canadian national group of professionals working together to ensure the accessibility of bereavement support and information to grieving children and their families.