Youth Day Retreat A Success
Over the weekend youth from various regions located across the lower mainland of British Columbia (Burnaby, Coquitlam, Delta, New Westminster, Surrey, & West Vancouver) came together for a Camp Kerry Youth Day Retreat. For some, it was an introduction to a very unique community that fully embraced them, while for others it was a time to reconnect with old friends, set new goals, and share their excitement about participating in the Camp Kerry BC Youth Leadership Program this fall.
Thanks to the generosity of some great sponsors, the group shared in some fun and exciting experiences with one another. Cheers to Sky Zone Trampoline Park in Surrey for the excellent adventures – we’ll definitely be back! High-fives to Boston Pizza from New Westminster for dishing out an amazing lunch, and big hugs to 100 Braid Street Studios for the inspirational Art Therapy space & supplies you offered us. We are certainly looking forward to future partnerships with you as well. It is only because of businesses such as these that we are able to continue doing what it is we do. Thank-you!