
Lumara Youth SERVICEs

We Get It

We at Lumara understand that life as a teenager can be extremely difficult – even at the best of times. The adolescent years are packed full of complex physiological, emotional, and social changes. When a loved one has a life-threatening illness like cancer or when that special person dies, the complexity is much more profound.

Experiences of grief and loss are extremely stressful and have the capacity to turn a young person’s world upside down. Family dynamics can shift dramatically and relationships with peers are often altered. Heightened intense and unpredictable emotions can dominate one’s thinking and make it difficult to focus at school, to stay motivated, and to make decisions. Physical well-being can also be compromised by overwhelming fatigue as well as difficulties with sleep and eating.

Mental health research indicates that youth who experience the death of a significant person in their lives are at heightened risk for depression and anxiety, decline in school performance, isolation, substance abuse and self-harm. Despite increased needs for emotional support, youth can be difficult to reach through traditional counseling approaches. They are often reluctant to seek help, especially if it is offered in an institutional or office-based environment.

What We Offer

Lumara’s Youth Services have grown out of our success in working with youth in nature-based, camp/retreat settings. We have repeatedly seen positive, long-lasting results. Many of the youth who came to us over a decade ago are still connected – some of whom volunteer with us today. Through engaging with their peers and counsellors in therapeutic and recreational activities, youth are able to connect with others who understand, reduce their sense of isolation, learn healthy ways to express their grief and build self-confidence and new hope for the future.

Lumara offers support to bereaved youth between the ages of 13 and 29 through individual and family meetings, peer mentorship, special outings, creative projects (i.e. song writing, recording, videography, photography) and a private online social network. We also offer family retreats (Camp Kerry) and youth-only bereavement retreats. For more information about our year-round offerings for youth please reach out to us.

Vancouver Island Youth Retreat 2025

Lumara’s 2025 youth retreat will be occuring at Strathcona Park on Vancouver Island from May 23-26, 2025. Youth between the ages of 13-19 can apply starting January 15, 2025 clicking on the button below.

Special thanks to all those who support LUMARA’s Youth Programming

“We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia”

John Hardie Mitchell Family Foundation

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