
Become A Member

Lumara’s members are an integral part of who we are, and as a Society we are accountable to our members. If you wish to support Lumara Grief & Bereavement Care Society and want to contribute to our future then one of the best ways to do so is to be a member.

It is the members who vote at the annual general meeting and elect the Board of Directors. The Board approves budgets, votes on policies, and ensures that the programs we offer reflect our mission and values. The Board looks for feedback from members and the public so that they can be assured they are meeting the needs of our communities. As a member you essentially have a voice in what we do and how we do it.

Each member is valued for their input and contribution in terms of the development and delivery of the Society’s programs, so it is important to us that each member has the ability to remain current at all times. In order to do this we will send a reminder for renewal prior to your expiration date, so you don’t worry about marking your calendar.

To become a member complete the Online Form below. If you are interested in our “family membership” option, please contact our office by sending an email: info@lumarasociety.org or by calling us at 604-553-4663.

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