One Day To Remember
When a loved one dies, certain days of the year take on new and significant meaning. These days are etched forever in our hearts; where we experience both the pain of loss and separation along with the warmth of irreplaceable memories and feelings of gratitude for the connection we shared. At the Camp Kerry Society we are well aware of the importance of these special days and the meaning they hold. We know the importance of remembering and honouring our loved ones and doing so in a way that somehow contributes to making a difference to others.
And so, we created our One Day To Remember fundraising initiative. Our goal is to raise funds so that we can continue to bring hope to even more children, youth and families whose lives have been forever changed by the death of a loved one.
If you have a special day of remembrance in your life, or if you want to make a difference for others touched by grief, please consider joining us in our One Day to Remember campaign for as little as $5/month. Friends & family are also welcome to join this initiative.
If you wish to have a photo of your loved one shared on our website then please contact us.